Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hong Kong Wrap Up

I know that Hong Kong is a part of China; however, since it used to be a territory of Great Britain and its rules and regulations are so different from mainland China, I feel it deserves its own wrap up.

Hong Kong is really cool, you could say it is like the New York of Asia. There is a large international business culture with plenty of expats; it can be hard to tell who exactly is a tourist. Hong Kong is also expensive! I kept to that one restaurant, Giant Foot, except for the time I ate with all the guys from the hostel, because it was so cheap. I didn't really get to do too much here because I wanted to make sure that I got everything squared away for my next stent in China. Up until a couple days ago, I knew nothing about traveling in the country; turns out the country does cater to tourists, so it will not be as difficult as I imagined.

I was rather upset that the weather was not good while I was in Hong Kong. Many of the cool things to do require you to be outside, like the Peak, so I that is another reason why I didn't get to see much. Regardless, I made a great contact in China and Brazil that would be great to meet up with again one day.

Not really much else to say, like I said, I didn't really get to see much. Hong Kong would be another great place to be a young professional. Not only does it have a strong global business presence, it also is located in the heart of Asia; a quick and cheap flight can land you in places you can only dream about regularly visiting back in the US. It was interesting to see all the construction/refurbishing going on in the area. They don't use typical safe scaffoldings like you see in the US; they you large pieces of bamboo strung together. I feel like I could easily deliver a swift kick and bring the whole thing down; what if a worker was smoking and caught the thing aflame? On a side note, the currency is pretty cool; the 10 HK dollar bill looks like Monopoly money!

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