Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 161: Sydney

This morning, I headed back into town and went to the doctor; I have to get a Yellow Fever shot for the next leg of my trip. Once I got the shot, I headed back to the flat via the train. I spent the afternoon connecting with one of my friends.

After we were done talking, I headed back to the harbor because I have booked a tour of the Sydney Harbour Bridge where I get to walk on top of the bridge. The climb was really cool, I have never been on top of a bridge before! I decided to book to tour at night vs the day, not only because it was half the price, but you get a much better view of the liveliness of a city when you get to see it at night. On one side of the harbor you have the main, financial looking, district of Sydney, and then across the harbor there is the technology looking district, with names like Cisco, Hitachi, and Samsung filling up the sky.

Once I finished the climb up to the top of the bridge, I headed back to the flat and we all hung out for my last night in Sydney.

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