Argentina has a good amount of its population that has descended from Europe, most notably German post WWII. Because of this, it can be hard to decipher from who is a local and who is a white-westerner. It is weird to see someone who looks like they are a tourist from the States who speaks fluent Spanish and can't even speak English.
Like I said earlier, Argentina has a strong European influence. The architecture in Buenos Aires would make you think you were in a major European city.
A big problem in Argentina is that they have cut off almost all imports and imply very high tariffs on those things that are imported, causing Argentinians to pretty much be cut off from the rest of the world. The currency is going through many troubles and most people prefer US dollars over Argentinian Pesos; at hostels, I would have to pay more if I paid in Pesos. This no import policy has caused high prices or either lack of goods.
Argentina loves beef and wine. My average meal was a big slab of beef; quite a change from noodles and rice.
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