Since we are here and have the time, we woke up early and went to the Panda Research Center. Here, I saw more westerners than I have in all of China. Pandas are the national animal of China and they are working hard to keep the dwindling population under control. Pandas are known to be very lazy, we had to get there early because after 10am they get really sleepy and lazy; they also LOVE to chow down on bamboo!
In the park there was also a red panda, never knew these things existed!
It was great to see so many Pandas and actually see China fully address a problem in their country. The animals are absolutely hilarious, they roll around and just lay their, covered in their own food and grub out.
We eventually headed back to the hostel to drop some stuff off Since Su is part Korean, she really wanted to have some Korean food for lunch. We headed out to a place that we barely knew how to get to with a new friend from Australia, who has been in China for the past two months, knows Chinese, and is looking for an English teaching job somewhere in China. Su speaks broken Korean and ordered us lunch. We ended up with a smorgasbord of food that we could in now way eat in one sitting. The food was so good! We had chicken.... A little sketchy, but it was good. They first serves us this chili chicken wings and legs, I could have eaten that allll day. With our stomachs bursting at the seems and still plenty of food left, we grabbed some 'to go' boxes and headed out. Joseph and I headed to this place called computer zone, which is a massive 4 story complex full of computer, camera, and other electronic products. It was a little bit ridiculous, Nikon store down the walkway from a Nikon store, and this was replicated with every brand. We ended up not finding what we wanted so we made our way back to the hostel.
Not much happened that night. We sat around and watch a movie with some fellow backpackers before we went to bed.
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