Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 129: Hohhot, Inner Mongolian Province

As time has gone by, I have become able to sleep in non-conventional places. I used to only be able to sleep in a bed, now, for some reason, I get my best sleep when I'm on a train?! When I arrived in Hohhot, I was surprised at how developed it was. Right out of the train station, there were 6 apartment complexes being built. While parts of it were developed or developing, the infrastructure was pretty bad, and the ground contained a high sand content, so it gave off this dirty appeal. The hostel was supposed to send a free train station pickup, however, they went to the wrong train station. My local phone is out of minutes and I'm stuck at this train station as the sun beats down upon me. I found a local who let me use her phone and called to inform the hostel I was at the other train station.

Once I got to the hostel, I just relaxed. There were only two other people staying in the hostel, and what do you know, one of the was the guy who's going away party I went to back in Beijing on Friday. What are the odds?

I spent the afternoon walking around the city. There is nothing at all to see here. I came across this abandoned looking park and walked around. 

This homeless looking man was loading up his bike with broken down toys. He needed help getting his rope over the top of the toys, so I used my height to his advantage and lent him a hand.

After seeing the park, I headed back to the hostel and hung out with the others at the hostel. The other person is an older Australian man who seems to be traveling for a very long time. After Mongolia, he is going to Nepal for 180 days! You can see every square inch in that amount of time.

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